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  • Common Dialog Control - Describes how to use the Common Dialog control with WinHelp files using Visual Basic 5 and 6.
  • Windows API (VB 5/6) - Describes how to use the WinHelp API with WinHelp files using Visual Basic 5 and 6.
  • What's This? Help (VB 5/6) - Describes how to call WinHelp-based What's This? topics using Visual Basic 5 and 6.
  • MessageBox (VB 5/6) - Describes how to call WinHelp topics from message boxes using Visual Basic 5 and 6.
  • VB.NET - Describes how to use the WinHelp API with VB.NET.
  • Help Object Library DLL ver. 4.0 - This DLL is basically a port of the HTML Help class module, but with major enhancements, including WinHelp functionality.
  • Paper: On Help Systems In General - From a simple history of help, to which help systems to use for which apps and users, to why help is needed, this is a short opinion.

Note: The "On Help Systems In General" paper requires Adobe Acrobat Reader be installed on your system. You can download the reader by clicking on the button below: