Restaurant Menu Components - Menu Items

Updated 3/3/2018

  1. Log in to the Admin area of your site.
  2. Go to Restaurant Menu Components | Manage Components:

    At the top of the Manage Restaurant Menu Components page, click the Add Menu Item button:

    The Add Restaurant Menu Component page will open in the Menu Item format:

    The format of both the date and time in the Last Updated field, along with the site's Timezone, are set individually in the Settings area of the site on the General page.

    The Title of the menu item is the only required field. Doing so allows for the creation of tasting menus, which generally only use the Title, or the Title and a short Description.

    Other fields can be filled out and other functions can be set as needed. If you only want to include the title, click the Add Menu Item/Save Changes button at the bottom of the page to save your menu item.

  3. Description: A short “fluffy” description of the dish, generally intended to make the diner want to order it. You may use the following HTML tags in this field: <a><b><i><br><strong><em>< u><ul><ol><li> You may also include other shortcodes as boilerplate content.

  4. 86: “86” is the term used by cooks and servers to indicate a menu item is temporarily unavailable. Checking this box removes it from the displayed menu, but keeps it in-place for reinstating later.

  5. Menu Item Theme: The theme for the complete menu can be set on the Settings page. Setting the Menu Item Theme allows for emphasis on a single menu item. Available themes are:

  6. Display Theme Border: In relation to the Menu Item Theme, whether or not to display that theme’s included border.

  7. Price: While not required, this is the floating-point price only. Any currency symbol desired is set on the Settings page.

  8. Display Multi-Size Pricing: Checking this box overrides the Price field in favor of a milt-size price listing.

  9. Multi-Size Pricing: Use the Add Line and Remove buttons to create an array of different sizes and prices for the menu item. Use fluid measures for beverages, mass measures for meats, physical measures for crusts, “cup" and "bowl" for soups, "slice" and "whole" for pies, fluid measure per glass + "bottle" for wine, etc. A currency symbol may be set on the Settings page, but is not required.

    There’s no requirement for a given number of sizes, and sizes may be very descriptive as needed.

  10. Image: Click the Add Image button to open the Media Uploader. You can then drag images to the Uploader, upload image files in the normal manner, or select a previously-uploaded image. Once you Save the menu item, the URL for the image storage location will appear in the text box, and the image will be displayed. Note that the image displayed on the Add/Update Restaurant Menu Component page is for reference only, and does not reflect the Image Width in the following field.

  11. Image Width: Select between 25% of the overall display width, or Featured, with displays the image across the entire display width.

    25% Width:

    Featured Width:

  12. Add-Ons/Options: In the above example, this is shown as an additional charge for bacon, and that fries are included. This can be added either as text, or as a shortcode for a boilerplate HTML Block for repetitive use. You may use the following HTML tags in this field: <a><b><i><br><strong><em><u><ul><ol><li>

  13. Calories: May be required by company rules, and/or by local or national legislations.

  14. Spiciness: (none) is the default, along with choices for one-of-. two-of-, or three-of-three peppers. A text-only option is also available via the Settings page.

  15. Cuisines: While these are rather self-explanatory in their usage, caution must be exercised. Certification is required to claim an item fulfills the requirements of these cuisines, that the kitchen follows the requirements for the cuisines, and for the use of some of these icons. The author of this plugin is not responsible for any usage claims and/or the certification required for the use of these icons by any entity or establishment.

    Icons that are greyed-out on the Manage Restaurant Menu Components page will not be displayed. A text-only option is also available via the Settings page.

    Gluten Free
    Antibiotic Free

  16. Allergens: Caution must be exercised when dealing with allergn information, so take great care in using these icons or the text-only option. The author of this plugin is not responsible for any usage claims and/or the certification required for the use of these icons by any entity or establishment.

    There are three options for displying the icons: (none) disables its display, May Contain means an option is involved in the menu item (i.e. cheese or no cheese on a burger may indicate use of the May Contain option for milk), and Contains means the menu item will always contain that allergen.

    Icons that are greyed-out on the Restaurant Menu Components page will not be displayed. A text-only option is also available via the Settings page.

    Contains May Contain


  17. Once you’re done filling in the fields and selecting the options for your menu item, click the Save or Update button at the bottom of the page.

  18. Displaying a menu item: Return to the Manage Restaurant Menu Components page and locate the listing for your saved menu item:

    To add a menu item to a page, Section or Layout, include the complete shortcode (including the brackets) to a site where the Restaurant Menu Components plugin is installed.

  19. To edit a menu item: Click the link on its title.