Restaurant Menu Components - HTML Block

Updated 3/3/2018

An HTML Block may be used in almost any manner throughout the Restaurant Menu Components plugin. Intended uses are:
  1. Creating blocks in Sections for add-ons and options(i.e., “Sandwiches come with a side of fries and a pickle spear”, specialized schedules (i.e., “Prime Rib is available on Fridays and Saturdays from 4pm – 10pm”), etc.
  2. Creating boilerplate content for the Add-Ons/Options fields within Menu Items. (“Add bacon to any sandwich for $1.49. Served with hand-cut French fries.”)
  3. Creating blocks in Sections for state-directed disclaimers regarding undercooked proteins and foodborne illnesses.
  1. To add an HTML Block: Log in to the Admin area of your site.
  2. Go to Restaurant Menu Components | Manage Components:

  3. At the top of the Manage Restaurant Menu Components page, click the Add HTML Block button:

    The HTML Block Info page will open:

    The format of both the date and time in the Last Updated field, along with the site's Timezone, are set individually in the Settings area of the site on the General page.

    Title: The Title of the HTML Block is required, but isn’t displayed. If a title is desired within the HTML Block, you can create one within the Content field.

    Content: The text or HTML code you’d like to display. You may use the following HTML tags in this field: <a><b><i><br><strong><em><u><ul><ol><li>

    HTML Block Theme: The theme for the complete menu can be set on the Settings page. Setting the HTML Block Theme allows for emphasis on a single HTML Block. Available themes are:

    Display Theme Border: In relation to the HTML Block Theme, whether or not to display that theme’s included border.

  4. Displaying an HTML Block: Return to the Manage Restaurant Menu Components page and locate the listing for your saved HTML Block:

    To edit an HTML Block, click the link on its title.

    To add an HTML Block to a page, menu item, Section or Layout, include the complete shortcode (including the brackets) to a site where the Restaurant Menu Components plugin is installed.